Stay in Touch With Your Swimming Clients This Summer with Group Texting

Stay in Touch With Your Swimming Clients This Summer with Group Texting

Summer is in full swing, so it is the prime time for your clients or members to visit your pool. Whether you run a community pool, private pool, or have a pool as part of your gym, it is important that you keep your clients abreast of all the activities and events going on at your location. Group texting provides an easy and cost-effective way to send messages to your swimming clients so that they can take full advantage of your pool.

Promote Your Pool

When you wish to attract more clients or members to your pool, then it is important to promote to your target audience. This might be the members of your neighborhood, or you might have a much wider geographic location from which to find potential members. As you create flyers, posters, and other advertisements about your pool, include a keyword and your shortcode or number for your group texting program as the call to action.

This increases the number of people who actively engage with your advertisement, helping to increase the number of new and returning clients. Text marketing is easily added to marketing collateral you already have to provide this additional boost.

Advertise Events

Group texting is a permission-based marketing platform, but that does not mean you cannot use it to directly advertise events beyond its use as a call to action. Once you have a subscriber list, you have a group of interested people to which to advertise the events at your pool. This might be a new swim club, water aerobics, lap swim times, a summer pool party for kids or some other event.

The members of your SMS marketing program already have an interest or emotional investment in your pool, so they make for a more engaged group to which to advertise that often leads to a greater success rate. To take more advantage of this, create groups to whom to send targeted, personalized messages. These type of messages have been found to have a 360 percent greater impact.

Provide Discounts

Unless you have a community or neighborhood pool whose maintenance and other fees are paid for by the homeowner's association dues, and thereby free to use by members, there is most likely a fee to use your facilities. This might be a monthly membership fee, a per-visit entry fee, or a combination. Your group texting program offers a way to send discounts and other promotions to your members and clients to motivate them to choose your pool for the way to cool off on a particular summer day or for the whole summer.

Discounted fees provide a strong motivation for people to take action. Text messages are typically read within minutes. Take advantage of this to turn around a slow day by sending out last minute deals and discounts to your subscribers.

Send Out Alerts

The benefits of group texting are not just for marketing and promotion. Group texting also provides a strong customer service opportunity. Most people own an SMS-enabled cell phone and carry it with them everywhere. This makes it the best medium for sending out important alerts that you want to ensure people read. This could be emergency closures of your pool due to inclement weather, last-minute changes to the schedule, or other last-minute and emergency alerts. Text messages have an almost 100 percent open rate, which means there is a much higher chance that people will read it than with email, which has a 28-33 percent open rate.

Remind Clients About Important Information and Events

Just as texting provides a great way to send out emergency alerts and last minute updates, it also is a beneficial medium for sending out reminders. This might be about an event for which someone has signed up. If your pool offers swimming lessons or water aerobics, you might send out reminders about the class to ensure that everyone shows up. This also works well for sending reminders to your clients and members about the pool rules and etiquette.

Get Immediate Feedback

Group texting is a two-way communication channel. This means that not only can you easily send out important information to your pool's clients and members, but you can also receive it. Your clients can send feedback about the pool to help you make improvements. The easiest way to do this is to send out a text poll. You ask a question and assign a few keywords as the different answers. Your subscribers vote by texting the keyword that matches their answer. Because it is so easy, you have a higher response rate. It is also possible to send a link to a longer survey to get a better understanding of what your clients want.

These are just a few ways that you can incorporate group texting to help enhance the communication between you and your clients or members. No matter what type of pool you have, this will help to improve the overall customer experience, which in turn leads to an increase in your overall business.

Ready to draw a larger crowd to your pool? Start your text marketing program by trying ClubTexting for free.

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